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Custom Made turbines

Anker 1

If components like gear-box, generator and oil plant are still in good shape and up to date, but the steam turbine is not, or might be damaged, or needs to be modernized, often the so called „Custom-made turbine“ will be the most economical solution. TGM Kanis offers most modern turbine technology with highest efficiency for the existing „foot points“, no matter if steel base frame or concrete foundation.


The incorporation of the new turbine into the entire existing string will be done within TGM´s offices.


The flow channel of the new turbine can be adapted to the load points of the old equipment, or can be optimized for a more economical operation.


TGM follows in development of the industrial steam turbines design principles of former AEG Kanis. A robust design and high internal efficiency are important factors.


A standardized design series of steam turbines, such as CT (Condening Turbine) and BT (Backpressure Turbine) enables TGM Kanis to cover any application area and furthermore offers the opportunity for tailor-made economical solutions for almost every industrial application.


Am Flachmoor 6
90475 Nuremberg


Phone: +49 911 239568-710

We offer all employees as well as persons who are or have been in contact with us due to their professional activities an internal reporting office at the aforementioned email address where grievances, violations or suspicious facts can be reported. TGM Kanis treats all incoming information confidentially and does not tolerate any reprisals against whistleblowers who report possible violations in good faith and responsibly.

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