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Anker 1

Modernization of rotating components, so called Retrofits, can be seen as three different areas. Retrofits basically consist of:

  • Retrofits due to damages

  • Retrofits due to changes in plant operation and demands to improve efficiency.

  • Retrofits, including modernization due to end of life cycle time and fatigue of materials.


TGM Kanis can execute all above mentioned retrofits, based on the design department of a turbine manufacturer, the experts for thermodynamic, as well as flow mechanic calculations and Finite Element calculations to confirm operational and fatigue strength, as well as the own non-destructive material testing facility (level 3 NDT master).


Based on our production units in Germany and Brasil, working in 3 shifts aroud the clock, we are able to execute the in-house designed retrofit activities within shortest time and – of course – with original manufacturer quality. This becomes especially important, as soon as the remaining life cycle time must be considered after having passed the 100.000 equivalent operating hour limit.


Am Flachmoor 6
90475 Nuremberg


Phone: +49 911 239568-710

We offer all employees as well as persons who are or have been in contact with us due to their professional activities an internal reporting office at the aforementioned email address where grievances, violations or suspicious facts can be reported. TGM Kanis treats all incoming information confidentially and does not tolerate any reprisals against whistleblowers who report possible violations in good faith and responsibly.

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